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A Day in EduWW Online School – Teacher’s Edition

EduWW Tutors

Every online school has its policies, guidelines, and practices. They differ in the services they provide, how they organize schedules, classes, and, above all, their approach toward students. Compared to brick and mortar schools, it is a pretty different experience. A school day in an online school is nothing like a typical day in a traditional one. The same goes for a day in the life of an online tutor and a day in the life of a teacher that works in a traditional classroom. 

It is certain that virtual schools have stepped up their game and offer just as much or even more. Nowadays, you can find substitutes for everything online. Each different degree and type of education is available in the virtual form: online public schools, private ones, summer schools, elementary, middle school, etc. 

Each school offers a different and unique experience. Of course, some are better than others in value and quality, but the way students are treated is of incredible importance. School staff plays the most significant role in it. Especially tutors because, naturally, students spend the most time with them. It is a rare opportunity to get to know them in advance, so we have decided to shed some light on that matter.

EduWW would like to open its doors and get you to feel the atmosphere we have built in our school. We want to show how things function around here. If you wondered what typical classes look like, EduWW tutors have some heartwarming experiences to share with you. If you would like to know more about our team, our tutors, and what their day looks like here, keep reading this article.

A Typical Day in EduWW Is Dynamic, Fun, and Educational

EduWW online school is full of kind and caring people who make the atmosphere so comfortable to work in. Both students and tutors can back this statement up. All of our employees are friends even after the working hours are done. Some of the school staff work remotely but still have strong connections with those working in the office. 

This is crucial because when a problem emerges on any front, they count on each other and solve it together. No matter the position, working as a team made this school come a long way. 

There is absolutely no room for judgment or intolerance of any kind. If someone has a technical problem or some issues with a student, they rely on someone who knows how to fix it. As experience showed, there is always someone in your corner in EduWW. That’s how we grew as a school and as friends.

EduWW Tutor - Bianca

I have met many great people here, both the ones who are working remotely and the ones who I share the office with. They are very kind and have helped me numerous times with anything I had trouble with. Since I am the youngest one on the team, my more experienced colleagues have taught me many things

– says Bianca, one of the newer members of the tutoring team.

The EduWW team is full of young, ambitious people that motivate each other. Together they create a positive atmosphere where no one feels pressured. Since we grew in numbers of students and tutors, the atmosphere is always a bit hectic – but in a good way.  Every class is different since every student is different, and we adjust to their needs. This contributes to dynamic rhythm and makes it quite fun for both students and tutors.

Tutors Prepare Online Classes Following Students’ Needs

During the online classes, tutors work their hardest to get to know pupils more personally so they can adjust their approach. Before each class, tutors go through students’ profiles, check their progress and see if there are some problems. For example, if a student fails a quiz, tutors always explain why and work together with them to get a better score. 

Firstly, I open students’ profiles on the platform to check their progress, scores, recent activity, and if they have some overdue assignments. If I notice anything out of order, I ask them about it first thing in class, but often they bring it up themselves. Students mostly book classes for reasons. They want to work on something they struggle with

– explains Veronica, one of the best EduWW tutors.

Some EduWW tutors work specifically in one-on-one settings with students that request individual classes only. Such classes are an opportunity for us to modify the class ideally to the student’s needs. This approach brought in outstanding results, and even the shiest of kids exceeded all expectations. 

Besides self-paced learning, the individualized approach changed the game, again, for both students and tutors. 

Until I came here, I was used to a highly structured, no room for changes, learning environment where all the students would get exactly the same program without any flexibility at all. Here, I can really adapt the program to my student’s needs, making it more interesting and easier to understand and highly motivating for me to continue improving myself and my way of teaching

– states Bianca when talking about individual classes.

The point is that EduWW strives to be a place of freedom where teachers and students can learn at their own pace and can adapt to each other to get the best possible results.

The Highest Reward for a Tutor Is Transferring Knowledge

From the very beginning, the main idea of our school was to transfer knowledge globally. Since students worldwide attend our school and achieve amazing things every day, we can proudly say we did it. 

We will continue to do so as long as we have such fantastic, hard-working, and dedicated people to work with. Precisely that is the most significant achievement and highest reward for tutors too. They said it themselves: 

What I enjoy the most about working as a tutor is witnessing the moment when a student acquires certain knowledge and understands what they are learning about. That moment of revelation is something I really am grateful for being able to experience. There is no greater reward for me than seeing students happy because they’ve learned something new

– tells Veronica about her teaching experience.

Being able to shape young minds and provide children all around the globe with valuable knowledge is what motivates the whole EduWW team. Even if someone thinks they don’t stand a chance in some subject or course, we got their back, which is rewarding for us as well.

The best thing about being a tutor is seeing progress in my students and getting to know them better. I have a student whose English was very limited when I first started teaching him five months ago. Now, he is able to read and discuss stories and have a conversation with me in English. It is truly wonderful and rewarding to see his progress, and I can’t wait to see more!

– says Millie, the highly experienced EduWW tutor. 

The way students feel happy when they finally understand something brings so much joy and motivation to our school and makes us keen to keep the standards we have set for our school and never stop caring about our work. 

Is There a Downside?

There is still a certain stigma around online learning and private schools going on in general. However, it is quite unfounded. Good and bad things happen the same as in any other school.

Program and quality-wise, EduWW does not lag behind in any shape or form. Where we differ, we allow students to have more free time, flexible schedules, and individualized programs. Growing up, students can have a lot of hobbies and unfortunately have to give them up because they don’t have enough time from school.

Both traditional and online schools have their advantages and disadvantages. Which is better depends on students’ needs or their parent’s wishes. We have many students who travel a lot or live in countries that don’t use their native language, so going to a traditional school isn’t the best option for them

– said EduWW tutor Bo, when asked about the advantages of online learning she has noticed. 

If given the opportunity to get an education online, all of our tutors agree that it is an excellent experience that really changed their perception of the teaching and learning process.

Join Us on Our Journey!

Hopefully, we shed some light on how we function as a school, how our tutors perceive their jobs in EduWW, and how they approach teaching your children. If you want to know us even better, don’t hesitate to contact us at or look us up on social media. Believe us when we say, for us, all this has been a fantastic journey, and we hope you will join us. See you in classes!

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