There is nothing wrong with being lazy or procrastinating from time to time. The wrong starts when it develops into a habit that is hard to get rid of.
If it isn’t stopped on time, chronic procrastination can slowly overcome all the activities, from work to daily chores, even hobbies.
This is especially risky for online students. It is very easy for them to slip into the never-ending circle of procrastination and laziness by piling up daily tasks, and when they realize just how much the pile went up, it’s too late.
Nevertheless, there are ways to overcome this situation or, even better – prevent it.
Laziness vs. Procrastination habits
People usually confuse the two, but there is a difference!
Laziness is more associated with apathy and unwillingness to act, and procrastination is doing something else instead of the given task. This means that procrastinators may be hard-working students who are a bit stuck at the moment due to some negative emotions, and the lazy ones just don’t want to study.
Top 5 Reasons for Procrastinating
Procrastinating happens when you find the task too complicated, unpleasant, or boring. The most common reasons are:
- Unpleasant tasks (or boring)
- Lack of organization
- Fear of failing
- Fear of success (and getting more things to do)
- Being a perfectionist (rather avoid it than do it imperfectly)
- Poor decision making
How to Overcome Procrastination: 10 Tips
Here are the top 10 tips on how to overcome procrastination and laziness.
It’s essential to discipline yourself and stick to it.
If you make a decision to study every day from 10h to 12h, do not give up, and make a habit of it. If you plan to read three chapters of the book, finish the task. And if you say you will not use your phone for two hours, be true to your word.
The best advice for practicing self-discipline is to set clear goals, be persistent, set new habits, make a backup plan, embrace the mindset of unlimited willpower, and, last but not least – get enough sleep.
Discipline is crucial to avoid procrastination.
A fixed schedule can help develop your time management skills and stop procrastinating.
A calendar with a list of all upcoming assignments and their due dates should always be visible in your study room, making it easier to prioritize and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Our online school helps you with that because our educational platform has all the study plans prepared in advance for every student’s profile, and you can even modify it to your convenience.
*Bonus tip: Always study at the same time of the day! It helps you stay focused and on schedule.
Away With Distractions!
The best strategy to overcome procrastination is eliminating distractions, such as watching TV, scrolling through our phones, and talking to friends and family.
So put the phone away (you can put it on silent mode or turn off the notifications), turn off the TV, and ask your family members for privacy so you can fully concentrate on studying and finishing assignments.
Keep the Goals Achievable
Be realistic when setting the goals! Being unrealistic and too ambitious in setting your goals can cause too much pressure, increasing the fear of failure and stress, lowering energy levels, and pushing you to avoid work.
Don’t Forget to Take Breaks!
Overburdening yourself with information will do no good. It would be best if you had at least 15-minute breaks every hour to relax and refresh the brain’s nerves.
That time can be used in any way that brings you joy and makes you feel at ease, such as catching up with the news, taking a short stroll, going out to get tea, or listening to music.

Reward Yourself After a Completed Task
It’s pretty hard to step out of the path of laziness, so you should reward yourself when completing the small steps.
For example, when you finish the lesson for the day, give yourself a little treat, like a favorite sweet or snack. And if you finish a big, more important task, choose the award accordingly.
Ask for Assistance
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you don’t understand something or fall behind in class. But don’t be afraid to ask for help!
If you’re struggling to focus and reach your goals, ask your tutor, who has all the necessary expertise to help you or your fellow students and friends.
Tutors from our online school are always there for you, and are available for 15-minute meetings or a full individual class, so don’t hesitate to book them if you need any additional school-related assistance.
Carefully Choose Your Study Surroundings
Creating your comfort zone can help you fight laziness. A perfect stress-free and calm environment, like a library, porch, or your room, will allow you to focus and finish all the work from the schedule.
Keeping your surroundings tidy and distraction-free can benefit you greatly.

Start with Smaller Tasks
Some people like to tackle the most significant challenge first when they start working, but sometimes, the lack of focus or energy can make you feel stuck and push you to procrastinate.
So, if you need a little boost before that, try finishing some smaller assignments to give you that good feeling of achievement.
Be Kind to Yourself
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Celebrate the little wins! There will always be something on the to-do list that needs to be done, so it’s okay if you can’t meet the schedule for some days. Just do better the next day.
How to Overcome Procrastination as a Student by Using Various Studying Techniques
- The Pomodoro technique sets a timer for 25 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle as many times as you need to finish your tasks. Feel free to adjust the time intervals to see what works best for you.
- 10-minute trick – if the Pomodoro is too hard, try at least 10 minutes of uninterrupted work.
- Tell your family member or friend about the lesson you learned, or summarize it on a paper.
- Break the task down into a few sections, and after you finish each part, take a break to relax.
- If you are a visual type, try drawing pictures and diagrams to help you memorize things.
- Choose the timing of your studying based on energy levels.
- Get enough sleep because that is when the brain rearranges all the information gathered through the day so we can remember it even better the next day.

Delaying our responsibilities may provide momentary comfort and satisfaction. However, it ultimately leads to feelings of guilt for not doing it sooner, yet we continue to procrastinate.
The only way to overcome putting off tasks is to study smarter, not harder!
Remember, laziness and procrastination can’t be fixed overnight. You just have to start working, one task at hand, and be persistent in disciplining yourself. It feels good to finish something, right? And always find a motivation that works for you.
You can do it!