In the past few decades, many advances have been made all around the world to further female education. However, girls and women remain unequal to their male counterparts. Online education is also contributing to these efforts of enabling women around the globe to get educated. The flexibility of online education and the possibility to access high-quality educational programs at any level from the comfort of their home has given girls and women new opportunities.
According to the UNESCO database (Her Atlas (; 2023), 2% of countries restrict the education of married, pregnant, or parenting women and girls. This especially affects girls and women in secondary education. As concluded from the data analyzed, 65% of countries do not have laws that specifically protect girls and women in these vulnerable conditions. When it comes to conflict zones, girls are twice as likely to miss out on education than boys are (UNICEF, 2023).
These are not just dire statistics; they have a real-life impact on the quality of life of women and those around them. According to Global Citizen (; 2015), attending just a single year of secondary school can increase a woman’s earnings by up to 20% in her lifetime. Research also shows that educated mothers are one of the key factors in predicting the education of children (Tang et all.; 2016) and even their health and safety (; 2012). They help organize and strengthen communities as well.

Online Education Brought Accessibility
The nature of online education significantly helps in increasing the number of educated women worldwide. Given that learning happens online, it is possible to access high-quality educational programs from almost any place in the world. And we are talking about all levels of education – primary, secondary, and tertiary. Online schools such as EduWW help students gain the required foundational skills.
Besides offering access to different educational programs, online schooling offers flexibility and adapts to each student’s needs. Each student is free to learn at their tempo and create a personal pace at which they want to follow and master the program. Thus avoiding the stigma about being late compared to other classmates or feel of shame for falling behind even if the reasons are justified given their life circumstances.
Here’s how EduWW programs contribute to the solution in a small but significant way.
Foundation Skills – What Are They and How Does EduWW Teach Them
Foundation skills refer to a set of skills for a global employee, they include two sets of skills that are needed in today’s global workplace:
LLN -English language, literacy, and numeracy – listening, speaking, reading, writing, digital literacy, and use of mathematical ideas.
ICT – employability skills- collaboration, problem-solving, self-management, learning, information and communication technology; skills required for participation in modern workplaces and contemporary life.
Education World Wide offers the learning of both; through our curriculum, students will obtain the necessary literacy and numerical knowledge and, following our methodology, will develop employability skills. As we’ve mentioned in previous blog posts, the core subjects include language arts, math, science, and social studies courses. Learning the materials from these courses develops the LLN knowledge of our students.
As our program, from grade 1 to grade 12 is fully remote and online, students inadvertently develop ICT skills; the use of technology is a key point of our methodology. Because we offer a self-paced program, the students are taught to self-organize their time and learning. They are also encouraged to collaborate with tutors and other students on problem-solving, be it related to course materials or time-managing to reach their goals.

Adult Learning at Education World Wide
Global Citizen research has shown that there are 796 million illiterate people in the world, and women make up more than two-thirds of them. There are 5 million more girls who are out of primary school compared to boys. Different life circumstances also influence people to drop their primary and secondary education. Many of them don’t get the chance to get a high school diploma until they reach adulthood.
Adult learning is the pursuit of high school education by an adult for personal or professional reasons. Adults learn differently from children, as they have more life experience, more motivation, and self-direction. This program allows adult women to study grades 9 to 12 and earn their high school diplomas.
As we’ve mentioned, Education World Wide offers a self-paced program, meaning the online learning materials can be accessed anywhere at any time. This is especially accommodating to adult learners, who, by definition, usually have obligations outside of schooling, such as jobs, family, or other. In addition, adult learners can take time off from schooling whenever they might need it, with all their progress and grades saved, and continue where they left off. This can accommodate the unpredictable circumstances that may occur in an adult learner’s life.
Our program also supports life-long learning, meaning adult learners can enroll in specific courses they need to improve their skillsets for employment. Elective courses like computer basics or beginner programming for example, teach vital digital literacy and information and communications technology skills applicable in many work settings. We offer a selection of business and finance courses, art and digital art, languages, and many more!
Ready to Empower Yourself and Better Your Quality of Life?
In the EduWW Adult Learning program, we have seen girls in their early 20s trying to catch up with the education they quit in their teenage years. But also, we see women in their 30s and 40s trying to get high school diplomas to pursue higher education, get a promotion at a job, and improve their life.
As we have already mentioned, in EduWW online school, you can enroll any time you want. If you have any questions or reservations about our online learning experience, feel free to contact us at We are more than happy to help, and we will make sure to do our part in making you a successful online student. Enrolment in EduWW is an excellent place to start.
How Education Plays a Role in the Empowerment of Women (
Key data on girls and women’s right to education | UNESCO
Her Atlas (
Tang, S., Davis-Kean, P.E., Chen, M. and Sexton, H.R. (2016), Adolescent Pregnancy’s Intergenerational Effects: Does an Adolescent Mother’s Education Have Consequences for Her Children’s Achievement?. J Res Adolesc, 26: 180-193.