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Online School Doesn’t Mean That You Don’t Have to Learn

Online School Doesn’t Mean That You Don’t Have to Learn

There is a widespread belief that online school is super easy and that students don’t have to study to pass the grade. That prompted another (wrong) opinion that students who went to an online school lack proper education. As one of the up-and-coming online schools, we have to say that none of these beliefs are true. And if you are applying to EduWW believing that you won’t have to learn because we magically transfer the knowledge into students’ heads – you are going to be disappointed.

EduWW Online School has the same legitimacy as brick-and-mortar schools in the US. Although online education has an entirely different methodological approach, we use the same approved curriculum. Therefore, educational institutions globally recognize and accept our transcripts and diploma.

What Is True?

Online schooling gives students more flexibility and freedom, and they have more free time, but that does not mean that students don’t have to learn or do assignments. That is kind of the point of a school. As an EduWW student, you will have 24/7 access to our online learning platform. That allows you to learn whenever you want during the day. You can choose the time of the day that works best for you, but you will still have to learn. Additionally, you can choose which subject you are going to study first. As well as how much time you will invest in each of the subjects.

We simplified and segmented the curriculum so students at a specific age can understand it on their own. When we say simplified, we don’t mean it lowers the quality of the program. A student still gets high-quality knowledge. Just like it is the case in every school around the world, EduWW also has good students and not-so-good students. It is simply the way things work.

You might be surprised to find out that students who weren’t that good in traditional school become excellent at online school. It’s not due to the lack of standards, but because flexibility enables them to learn at their own pace. They don’t have to follow a group tempo. We allow students to adjust the schooling program to their own needs. If they need more time to figure out Math, they will get more time to do so. If they can finish Science faster – go ahead. Why spend four hours on a lesson if you can learn it in two.

Online schooling brings many benefits, but it also imposes responsibilities. For instance, you will have more free time than you would if you were going to a traditional school. To get that free time, you will have to master personal time management skills. Our system and teachers try to help students with that, but the role of a parent in this issue is important, too. Especially when it comes to students in lower grades. They are too young to grasp the concept of personal time management on their own. The flexibility students get at online school can quickly turn into procrastination if they don’t know how to manage their time well.

What Is Not Allowed at an Online School?

You can’t skip daily assignments for no reason. At an online school, you have responsibilities as you would in a brick-and-mortar school. If you have trouble with a particular subject, you can always ask for help, and our teachers will be glad to help. A student is not allowed to ignore the assignments because the platform imposes some deadlines. We can change them and prolong them, but eventually, you will have to do the assignment.

Therefore it’s not true that you don’t have to “go” to online school regularly. EduWW is trying to be flexible, and that flexibility can mean a lot of things, but all of them have similar outcomes – you must learn and finalize the grade properly. Students at EduWW online school also get individual and online group classes. Classes are not obligatory, but if you schedule an individual class with a tutor, you have to show up. In case something comes up, you can postpone or cancel the class by notifying the tutor about the reason.

If you have to be absent from online school for whatever reason, you have to inform your assigned tutor. In such a case, they will pause your assignments on the platform for a specific time. They will also help you create a plan on how you are going to catch up with the materials so you don’t get stuck with too many assignments.

Grading and Progression

On top of all mentioned above, there is also another important segment of online schooling – grading and students’ progress. Our curriculum is quite demanding, and for students to get a passing grade, they need to get at least 70% as an average score for each subject, and they need to have 100% course completion. If a student avoids learning and doing assignments on the platform, they will not achieve the required progression in order to pass the grade.

Are There Any Consequences?

Before enrolling in our online school, students and their parents talk with our education consultant, who informs them of how our online school works. EduWW is here to make things truly simpler for you, but there is one compromise that we don’t make. We can’t let you finalize the grade or school if you didn’t learn anything. You can’t technically fail a grade at an online school, but you don’t want to go through one grade two years.

Even when you are learning on your own, a teacher is following your progress on the platform. If there are any delays or a student is submitting empty assignments, a teacher will contact a student or a parent, to check out what seems to be the problem, and offer assistance or help. In case a student is not doing assignments or skipping previously scheduled live classes, after the first time, they will get a warning, and we will inform the parent. If such behavior happens more than once, a School Board will issue a fine.

Don’t Confuse Benefits With the Lack of Standards

EduWW offers its students benefits, such as flexibility and the opportunity to learn at their own pace. However, that doesn’t mean we lack standards, or that a student (and/or parent) should behave dishonestly. We understand that many students find school boring, but we can change your thinking, and show you that acquiring knowledge, doesn’t have to be a dull activity. You can learn through fun and interactive materials like the ones that we provide.

Use the advantages that online school gives you to finalize the grade earlier or have enough time for hobbies. Don’t take them as an excuse for not learning and thinking that distance learning is easy.

If you want to discover what benefits online schooling offers, and whether or not it is for you (or your child), please contact us at Our education consultants will be glad to explain everything.

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